Code of Conduct for Under 16s

To ensure the safety of your under-16s and others, please make sure they follow the Phoenix Bike Park rules:
Adult Supervision
Under-16s must be accompanied by an adult (18 or older) at all times.
The supervising adult does not need to ride but must remain on-site.
Safety Guidelines
No riding in the car park.
HELMETS ARE MANDATORY at all times. We advise extra protection such as safety eyewear, gloves, knee pads, elbow pads, and body armour. These are not mandatory but are strongly recommended for extra safety.
All riding is done at their OWN RISK; mountain biking can result in serious injury or death.
Familiarise Yourself with the Park
Under-16s and supervising adults must familiarise themselves with the layout and difficulty of the trails.
Make sure they ride within their ability.
They should know what to do in the event of an injury (see below).
Trail Etiquette
Always ride in the correct direction on the trails.
Do not stop on the trails.
Do not push up in the opposite direction.
Do not cross the trails.
Watch out for merging trails and always give way to the main trail.
If an Accident Occurs
Move off the trail if you fall (if you are able to do so).
If someone needs help, close the trail by placing their bike upside down well in advance of the incident to warn others. Call emergency services (999) and notify the Phoenix Bike Park shop at 01638 552 517 so we can send out a first aider.
Supervising Adults
If you are supervising under-16s, please keep an eye on them at all times to ensure their safety and adherence to the park rules. No bullying will be tolerated at Phoenix Bike Park. We reserve the right to ban individuals who are deemed harmful to our community.